“Focus on solutions.”

Solutions Centre international trainers

Insoo Kim Berg

Insoo Kim Berg (Korea/USA) (1935-2007)

Co-creator of the Solution-focused Approach and master-therapist

Mastercourses in Solution Focused Therapy, 2003-2007

Arnoud Huibers

Arnoud Huibers (The Netherlands)

Director of Solutions Centre, psychologist, systemic psychotherapist

Your host at different solution-focused courses and conferences, 2003-current

Pamela King (USA)

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT), specialized in treatment programs with children and families

Mastercourse Working SF with children, youth, parents, schools and organizations, 2019

Marjolein Eijgenraam (The Netherlands)

Training actress, pedagogue, family-specialist

Solution-focused courses, 2019-current

Wieger Jan Kooij

Wieger Jan Kooij (The Netherlands)

Corporate social worker, jobcoach, trainer

Solution-focused courses, 2018-current.

Jaseem Koorankot (India)

Clinical psychologist, assistant professor of psychology

Solution-focused courses and conferences, 2018-current

Sue Young

Sue Young (United Kingdom)

Teacher, creator of the Support Group Approach, SF trainer

Mastercourse Working SF with children, youth, parents, schools and organizations, 2017 – current

Louis Cauffman (Belgium)

Clinical psychologist and business economist

Mastercourse Solution-Focused Leadership, 2016 – current

Annie Bordeleau

Annie Bordeleau (Canada)

Antropologist, educationalist, communication coach 

Mastercourse Solution-focused Leadership, 2015 – current

Liselot Beijaert

Liselot Baeijaert (Belgium)

Solution Focused change practitioner, executive coach  

Mastercourse Solution-focused Leadership, 2015 – current

Michele Weiner-Davis

Michele Weiner-Davis (USA)

Marriage therapist 

Mastercourse Solution Focused Couples Therapy, 2013 – current

Elliott Connie

Elliott Connie (USA)

Couples therapist

Mastercourse Solution Focused Couples Therapy, 2013 – current

Ben Furman

Ben Furman (Finland)

Psychiatrist and systemic psychotherapist 

Mastercourse Working Solution Focused with Children, Adolescents and Families, 2012 – current

Alasdair Macdonald

Alasdair Macdonald (UK)


Mastercourse Solution Focused Couples Therapy, 2012

Matthew Selekman

Matthew Selekman (USA)

Family therapist and Social Worker

Mastercourse Working Solution Focused with Children, Youth and Families,  2012-current

Eric Sulkers

Eric Sulkers (The Netherlands)

Pediatrician and SF Trainer

Mastercourse Working Solution Focused with Childeren, Adolescents and Families, 2011 – current

Rob van de Ven

Rob van de Ven (The Netherlands)


Mastercourse solution focused leadership, 2011 – 2012

Jikke Stokman, IOPC, Soesterberg,

Jikke Stokman (The Netherlands)

Educational psychologist – Heath Care Psychologist

Course Working Solution Focused in Schools, 2011 – current

Herman de Hoogh

Herman de Hoogh (Netherlands)

Psychologist, Founder of Dutch Solution-focused Network

Advanced Solution-Focused Course, 2009

Sara Healing

Sara Healing (Canada)

Psychologist, researcher

Communication in mental health and medical practice, 2008 – 2012

Jennifer Gerwing

Jennifer Gerwing (Canada)

Psychologist, researcher

Communication in mental health and medical practice, 2008 – 2012

Janet Bavelas

Janet Beavin Bavelas (Canada)

Professor of Psychology, researcher

Communication in mental health and medical practice, 2008 – 2012

Harry Korman (Sweden)

Child-and youth psychiatrist 

Mastercourse working Solution Focused with Children and Adolescents, 2008 – 2012

Christine Tomori

Christine Tomori (Canada)

Psychologist, researcher

Communication in mental health and medical practice, 2008 – 2012

John Wheeler

John Wheeler (UK)

Psychotherapist, systemtherapist

Mastercourse working solution focused with children, youth and families, 2008

Heather Fiske

Heather Fiske (Canada)

Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist

Solution Focused Suicide Prevention, 2008

Walter Oppenoorth

Wather Oppenoorth (The Netherlands)

Child- youth- and family psychiatrist

Mastercourse working solution focused with children, youth and families, 2007

Martine Delfos

Dr. Martine Delfos (The Netherlands)

Biopsychologist, therapist, researcher

Mastercourse working solution focused with children, youth and families, 2007

Hans Cladder

Hans Cladder (The Netherlands)

Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist 

Advanced courses Solution Focused Therapy, 2006

Mark Crouzen

Mark Crouzen (The Netherlands)

Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist

Advanced courses Solution Focused Therapy, 2006-2010

Fredrike Bannink

Fredrike Bannink (The Netherlands)

Clinical psychologist 

Mastercourse working solution focused with children, youth and families, 2006-2007

Therese Steiner

Therese Steiner (Switserland)

Child-psychiatrist, psychotherapist and author

Mastercourse Working Solution Focused with Children, Adolescents and Families, 2004 – current

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